Aug 16, 2024

German courses for our team in cooperation with the BBZ in Augsburg

Since February 2024, we at Lenz&Gomez have been pleased to offer tailor-made German courses for our team in cooperation with the Berufliches Bildungszentrum(BBZ) in Augsburg. This new program is designed to make it easier for our employees to enter working life and to support them in their professional and personal development.


Objectives and motivation

At Lenz&Gomez, it is particularly important to us that our employees find their way around their new environment not only professionally, but also linguistically and culturally. Language is a decisive key to successful integration and to coping with everyday working life. With our German courses, we want to give our team the opportunity to continuously improve their language skills and thus be able to work more confidently and efficiently in their job.


Cooperation with the BBZ in Augsburg

The BBZ in Augsburg is a recognized educational institution with a wide range of further training courses. Through our cooperation with the BBZ, our employees benefit from highly qualified teachers and modern teaching methods. The course is specially tailored to the needs and requirements of our workforce and offers an ideal combination of theoretical language lessons and practical exercises.


Course content and structure

Our German course starts at an easy level and gradually develops participants so that they can make continuous progress. The course content includes:

  • Basics of the German language: introduction to grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
  • Mastering everyday situations: Exercises on everyday conversations and situations in professional life.
  • Job-related communication: technical vocabulary and communication strategies for the workplace.
  • Intercultural training: Insight into German work culture and social customs.


Advantages for our team

Our employees benefit in many ways by taking part in our German course:

  • Improved language skills: Facilitate communication in professional and private settings.
  • Greater self-confidence: More confidence in dealing with colleagues and superiors.
  • Better career opportunities: Increased career opportunities through enhanced language skills.
  • Stronger integration: Better integration into German society and the world of work.


We are convinced that our German course makes an important contribution to the professional and personal development of our employees and makes it much easier for them to enter working life in Germany.

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