Jul 3, 2024

Lenz&Gomez summer party 2024

Lenz&Gomez held its annual summer party last weekend, and it couldn't have gone better. In bright sunshine and pleasant temperatures, customers and business partners gathered for an evening full of joy, exchange and warm encounters.

A day full of highlights‍

The summer party provided a wonderful opportunity to get together in a relaxed atmosphere away from the daily work routine. The guests enjoyed stimulating conversations, made new contacts and deepened existing friendships.

In a short speech, Dr. Fabian Lenz and Philipp Lenz thanked the entire LEGO team as well as our business partners and customers. Thanks to the excellent cooperation and mutual support of our partners, many joint synergies were created and numerous successes celebrated last year. As in previous years, strong partnerships and the trust of our customers led to steady growth this year. Enthusiastic about the achievements to date and the positive development, they are looking forward to further cooperation.  

Honoring our long-standing employee‍

A special highlight was the anniversary of our valued employee Monika Adeberg. Monika has been an indispensable part of our team for an incredible 30 years and has contributed significantly to the success of Lenz&Gomez through her tireless work and dedication.

‍Culinarydelights and refreshing drinks‍

The first-class catering service from OneTable took care of the physical well-being. With a diverse selection of delicious dishes, there was something for every taste.

Another highlight was the gin bar by August Gin. With an exquisite selection of creative cocktails, the bar spoiled our guests and was a real crowd puller, ensuring exciting conversations and a relaxed atmosphere.

Many thanks at this point to the team at OneTable and August Gin.  

Thanks to everyone involved‍

We would like to thank everyone who made this summer party such a special evening. A big thank you goes to our team, our customers and business partners for coming and for the wonderful time we were able to spend together.

The 2024 Lenz&Gomez summer party was a complete success and will remain in our memories for a long time to come. The successful mix of good weather, great people and a warm atmosphere made this evening an unforgettable experience. We are already looking forward to the next summer party!

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