May 22, 2024

Rocketeer Festival 2024

On April 26, the time had finally come: our first participation in the Augsburger Allgemeine Rocketeer Festival, not just as a participant, but as a proud partner with our own stand. And the best thing about it? We were right next to the Innovation Kitchen, the heart of the event!

Some may have been surprised at first to see us, as an established HR service provider with over 30 years of experience, at an innovation fair for start-ups and future trends. But it was precisely there, in the midst of up-and-coming founders such as our dear stand neighbor Milana Marks, founder of heyfam, that we gained valuable insights.

The numerous discussions made it clear that future trends and innovative HR go hand in hand. After all, it is ultimately the people in a company who bring every business idea to life and drive every transformation forward.

And this is exactly where we come in. Our aim is not only to bring the right talent and companies together, but also to develop tailor-made HR solutions for the challenges of our time. The inspiring discussions with founders and established companies from the region have shown that flexible forms of employment and qualified temporary work are becoming even more important. Together, we have developed creative ideas on how we can meet the personnel requirements of companies and at the same time fulfill the needs of employees.

One of our absolute highlights was the appearance and subsequent exchange with investor Carsten Maschmeyer. No less inspiring was the meeting with the Bavarian Digital Minister Dr. Fabian Mehring, who inspired us with his vision for Bavaria's digital future and his commitment to promoting innovation in the region.  

It was a great experience to be represented at the festival and to get to know new perspectives that we now need to reflect in our flexible HR solutions - a big thank you to the Augsburger Allgemeine for the great organization of this unique event and to all the discussion partners for the promising exchange and inspiration.  

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